Summer Anime 2014: Mid-Season Update

The summer anime season is partway through, and I thought I’d list some changes I’ve made to my Summer 2014 viewing list.  (You can find the original here.) What I’ve been watching from that list: Sailor Moon Crystal, Aldnoah Zero, Sword Art Online II, and Haikyuu!. After watching two episodes of GLASSLIP, my boyfriend andContinue reading “Summer Anime 2014: Mid-Season Update”

Summer Anime 2014: The Launchboard

I’ve never much been one to watch simulcast anime, but since receiving a Crunchyroll Premium membership as a gift (and subsequent access to simulcasting Sailor Moon Crystal), I figure now may be a decent time to start.  I’ll be watching a number of anime this season, and I’ll be making my marathon-or-drop recommendations at theContinue reading “Summer Anime 2014: The Launchboard”