Summer Anime 2014: The Launchboard

I’ve never much been one to watch simulcast anime, but since receiving a Crunchyroll Premium membership as a gift (and subsequent access to simulcasting Sailor Moon Crystal), I figure now may be a decent time to start.  I’ll be watching a number of anime this season, and I’ll be making my marathon-or-drop recommendations at the end of the season.

Sailor Moon Crystal.  I mean, really, did you think this wouldn’t be top of my list? It’s been my number one since the date was settled, and the first episode didn’t fail to deliver what I was looking for: an updated art style that followed the story I remember while adding enough newness to feel fresh and fun.

Sword Art Online II. Recently, I made my boyfriend and two of my friends watch SAO so we could watch Season Two.  I was pretty sorely disappointed with the second half of the first season, but my satisfaction with the recent English translation of the light novel brought me back to the franchise.

Aldnoah Zero. My boyfriend was particularly interested in checking this out based on its promotions on Crunchyroll, and the first episode made me incredibly interested in finding out what happens next.  Aldnoah may be my next Attack on Titan: the first episode yanked me into its intense and dismal sci-fi universe.  The suspense might actually kill me, but I’ll try to hold out.

Ao Haru Ride.  Eng. Blue Spring Ride.  The manga for Ao Haru Ride is adorable and feels like a bit of a spiritual successor to series such as Kimi ni Todoke and Sukitte ii Na Yo.  I’m looking forward to this series, even if it’s a bit on the over-light side.  (Besides, I’ll have to recover from Aldnoah SOMEHOW.)

GLASSLIP. A friend recommended this after watching the first episode herself, and I found the opening episode… interesting.  I’m not sure if I like it or not, so I may end up dropping this series if the second episode doesn’t give me a more clear idea of why I should care about it.

I’m also playing a little bit of catch-up with Haikyu!, a men’s volleyball anime that’s intense and also very intricately animated.  I played two years of volleyball in middle school, and while I was really — not very good at it, it’s always been something I enjoyed, so watching Haikyu! has been a lot of fun so far.

There are so many exciting series to watch on simulcast, even if you’re not totally binging on the series you missed while you were finishing your school year or running your kids between practices and classes.  What anime are you watching this summer?

Published by Feliza

Feliza Casano is a writer and editor with a love of speculative fiction, graphic novels, and good books. She writes and edits at Girls in Capes ( and contributes to other websites on science fiction and fantasy topics.

3 thoughts on “Summer Anime 2014: The Launchboard

    1. Lots of people didn’t enjoy it, or had mixed opinions. I don’t necessarily think it’s made for the people who watched it when they were younger – it’s really more to introduce the series to a new audience, and I think it does a fine job of that.



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